The River WaterWorks organization incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania as a nonprofit in August, 2004 for the purpose of river and watershed education. The notion of doing a river journey had been tossed around as a possibily for a number of years. As the idea progressed, starting a nonprofit organization to accomplish this goal turned out to be the best way to bring this dream to fruition and share it with other people. The organization became recognized by the Internal Revenue service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in March 2005, and in doing so developed a small board of directors to help support its mission.
This website details the first project of the River WaterWorks nonprofit corporation entitled "WaterWorks: A River Journey to the Sea." Future projects, if any are to exist, have yet to be determined. We hope you enjoy the contents of this site with the hopes that it might make you ponder the small, but very important part that each of us humans play in the river and water ecosystems that we all share.